بیانیه ایران در خصوص سند آلودگی پلاستیک ها در نشست INC-3 قرائت شد

جلسه تدوین سند آلودگی پلاستیک امروز دوشنبه ۱۳ نوامبر از ساعت ۱۰ با حضور رییس جمهور کنیا رسما آغاز به کار کرد. نماینده انجمن ملی صنایع پلیمر ایران در کنار نمایندگان وزارت امور خارجه و محیط زیست در این رویداد حضور دارند.  در این جلسه کشورهای مختلف به  بیان بیانیه خود در خصوص این سند […]

جلسه تدوین سند آلودگی پلاستیک امروز دوشنبه ۱۳ نوامبر از ساعت ۱۰ با حضور رییس جمهور کنیا رسما آغاز به کار کرد. نماینده انجمن ملی صنایع پلیمر ایران در کنار نمایندگان وزارت امور خارجه و محیط زیست در این رویداد حضور دارند. 

در این جلسه کشورهای مختلف به  بیان بیانیه خود در خصوص این سند پرداختند و دلایل خود را مطرح نمودند بیانیه ملی ایران که  توسط سر کار خانم میرزاجانی نماینده امور وزارت خارجه قرایت شد متن آن به شرح زیر است:


Iran Statement on

On developing an international legally binding instrument

on ending plastic pollution

Distinguished President

At the beginning of my statement, we wish to associate ourselves with the statements by the Like minded Group as well as Cuba and Russsian Ferderation.

Mr. President

We strongly support to address the merits of plastic together with inefficient plastic waste management in our strive. While being ambitious, we should be realistic in designing the future instrument, definition of its scope and the core obligations, avoiding manipulation of reports and technical data and analysis which should be verifiable.

Further, the negotiation process, preparation of documents and the arrangements for the meetings should ensure a fair and equal participation of all member states and make sure that in making our efforts and decisions nobody is left behind.

The future Instrument should specifically promote environmentally safe and sound management of plastic wastes, address the legacy plastic and circular economy and identifying, limiting, and finding alternatives for highly potential pollutant applications and recovery options instead of focusing on plastic raw materials production and its upstream levels.

The Instrument should also recognize that polymers and plastics are fundamental materials for sustainable economic growth. There is a need to fairly understand that plastic polymers are not pollutants, and plastic pollution arises from unsustainable patterns of consumptions and mismanagement of discarded plastic products.

On designing and implementation of the future instrument, following a bottom-up approach, together with respecting and taking into account the principle of CBDR are indispensable.

The instrument should recognize a clear differentiation in implementation between developed and developing countries.

It should also respect the sovereign right of States to exploit their own resources, and addresses the objectives of the instrument based on a facilitative and supportive approach;

We insist that INC meetings is not the proper place to address trade issues which are totally beyond its mandate and trade policy measures for environmental purposes should not constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a restriction on international trade.

The Instrument should provide for an effective and adequate financial mechanism to deliver finance and to facilitate technology transfer to all developing countries.

On the Zero Draft, We strongly believe that any negotiating text in this respect shall be based on the UNEA resolution mandate, present elements representing various countries and regions and follow a fair and balanced approach.

However, the current structure, elements and options suggested in the Zero Draft is much beyond the mandate by UNEA resolution, not representing all regions and countries and it has been presented even before the deadline of 15 September 2023 for the parties submissions. So, my delegation could not considered it as a basis for our negotiations and it significantly need to be revised and improved in the form of inclusion of more options under each chapter and sections.

Accordingly, it is strongly recommended that the contact groups to be mandated to follow a specific modality to allow member countries to incorporate their inputs in a fair manner.

Thanks for your attention

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