How did successful countries get out of the middle income trap

According to Inpia; Economic reforms is a word that is familiar to people in recent years, an event that happened not only in Iran, but before our country in many other countries such as Turkey and China, but the main issue in this context is to pay attention to the fact that In which countries […]

According to Inpia; Economic reforms is a word that is familiar to people in recent years, an event that happened not only in Iran, but before our country in many other countries such as Turkey and China, but the main issue in this context is to pay attention to the fact that In which countries have economic reforms had a successful result, China can be considered a successful example of countries that have divided their economic history into two periods before and after economic reforms.

Therefore, it is not without benefit to discuss the path that this country took to escape from the middle income trap and become one of the economic powers of the world today. Intermediate: A Cross-Country Analysis Based on Industrial Development Patterns” published for the first time by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, carefully examines the patterns of industrial development in some countries with successful experience in this field. Specifically, this article analyzes and examines China’s economic development patterns in two periods before and after the economic reforms of 1978.