Appreciation of the success of the National Association of Polymer Industries in clarifying the PVC market

According to INPIA, the Organizations Commission of the National Association of Iranian Polymer Industries held a meeting to present a report on information transparency by verification and grading in the PVC market and the role of organizations in this field with the presence of the Deputy Minister of Provincial Affairs and a number of organizations. […]

According to INPIA, the Organizations Commission of the National Association of Iranian Polymer Industries held a meeting to present a report on information transparency by verification and grading in the PVC market and the role of organizations in this field with the presence of the Deputy Minister of Provincial Affairs and a number of organizations. Board members of this association and some board members of member organizations of the National Association of Iranian Polymer Industries, including the Iranian Shoe Industry Association, Association of Manufacturers of Polyethylene Pipes and Fittings, Association of Manufacturers of Disposable Tableware, Association of PVC Pipes and Fittings, Specialized Association of Industries Homogeneous granulators of Qom and the Union of Manufacturers and Exporters of Iranian Artificial Leather held. In a non-transparent economy, the government, the private sector and the people all lose / the private sector cannot function without competitive opportunities Muzaffar Alikhani, Deputy Minister of Chamber of Commerce, explained the economic situation in the country: “Many of our country’s economic problems are due to the fact that we do not have a transparent and healthy economy, and in this non-transparent economy, neither the government nor the people nor economic activists They do not benefit, on the one hand the government stands as a big employer, legislator and policymaker, and on the other hand the private sector is without these facilities and can not operate in a non-competitive economy. He added: “Our economy has faced issues such as war, sanctions in the past and now the Corona virus and has many problems. The virus has damaged the economies of all countries in the world, but because our economy is not healthy, our business environment is unsuitable, and our rules and regulations are complex and opaque, we have suffered more damage from this virus and structural problems in the economy. And the consequences of sanctions have been added. Alikhani pointed out: Countries that do not have such problems or have less need to organize to regulate employer-worker relations, private sector and government relations and producer relations with importers, suppliers and exporters, and each of them is trying. Support the interests of their members and work logically at intersections. He continued: “In such circumstances, the necessity of the existence of organizations in our country is felt more than other countries, so at a time with the focus on the Chamber of Commerce, we sought to develop organizational thinking in the country.” Great strides were made in this direction in the 70’s and the growth of organizations increased a little and specialized organizations were created, but they quickly reached the new need that 80% of the issues and problems of organizations are common and up to 20% of specialized and unique issues To their field. According to Alikhani, both for this reason and in order to prevent the loss of national capital and the pervasiveness of the activities of the organization, as a result of which both high legitimacy is achieved and expert opinions are formed on the basis of consensus and as a result They become more numerous in decision-making assemblies, we moved to upstream organizations, such as the National Polymer Association. Regarding the strategies for the success of organizations, he said: “The experience of organization in different countries shows that for the success of organizations, the organization must prioritize national interests over union interests and union interests over personal and corporate interests, and one of the reasons for lack The success of some organizations is that there is no convergence within the members and everyone tries to bargain for their personal brand and enterprise through the organization. The audience sees that it is not the guardian of national interests or union interests. “The second point is to try to build a consensus,” said the deputy director of the Chamber of Commerce. Naturally, organizations have both points of difference and common interests, so we must form a consensus by setting aside points of difference and focusing on common strengths. We must resolve our differences within ourselves so that our voice within the government is clear. He continued: “Expert and technical opinions that guarantee national interests should be heard from the organizations.” If we are the right actors, the interests of the enterprise will definitely include the national interests. Regarding the issue of self-control and self-monitoring, Alikhani noted: “Guild controls within the group are an important issue that, unfortunately, many times because we are not willing to sacrifice our own interests, we can not control the interests of others.” In order to supervise colleagues and classmates, they must first act lawfully, systematically and transparently. If the board does the right thing, it can manage its members, while sometimes we may not dare to closely monitor the performance of the members due to the need to vote to consolidate our position, but if we boldly introduce the offenders to the supervisory bodies, trust We also gain sovereignty. The Chamber of Commerce, for example, asked organizations to announce the names of those who are unwilling to return their currency so that their business cards can be revoked. He said: “The view that the currency belongs to the exporter is a wrong view because the exporter uses the wealth, energy, security and facilities of this country and all factors work together to produce a product and then export it.” But it is true that the exporter says to buy my currency at the real price or to make the process in such a way that I can return my currency to the country. Of course, these issues are debatable. Alikhani said that if we do not have the right pricing, others will do it, adding: “If we do not control ourselves as private sector activists, the economic police and regulatory agencies will take action.” He emphasized: the solution to the right dialogue with the great employer of the government is that the organization is healthy, strong and transparent and has the support of all companies in its class.