Free workshop “How to search and select Iranian petrochemical production materials using TECVES system)

According to INPIA, the National Association of Polymer Industries of Iran is holding various training courses on the sidelines of the Iran Plast exhibition, which is open to the public. Training course “How to search and select materials for Iranian petrochemicals using the TECVES system” Familiarity with the methodology of selecting suitable raw materials for […]

According to INPIA, the National Association of Polymer Industries of Iran is holding various training courses on the sidelines of the Iran Plast exhibition, which is open to the public. Training course “How to search and select materials for Iranian petrochemicals using the TECVES system” Familiarity with the methodology of selecting suitable raw materials for the intended applications, Familiarity with and its features in accordance with NPC standards, Introducing the technical characteristics of the index and the requirements of various applications, Familiarity with how to search and select materials in this system. Instructor of this course: Engineer Rabbani Doost Educational partner: Dana TECVES Development Company Event time: September 21 from 2 to 3 p.m. Venue: Booth of National Association of Iranian Polymer Industries, Hall 41B Booth 64