Innovation is the main pillar of quality improvement and internalization of polymer raw materials

In an interview with INPIA, Mohsen Moradpour stated about the need for innovation in the polymer industry: “Innovation for the polymer industry is important in two parts, the first part is related to changes in the quality of polymer raw materials and the second part is related to the internalization of grades, especially It is […]

In an interview with INPIA, Mohsen Moradpour stated about the need for innovation in the polymer industry: “Innovation for the polymer industry is important in two parts, the first part is related to changes in the quality of polymer raw materials and the second part is related to the internalization of grades, especially It is an engineering grade that has not yet been produced in the country and is imported. Innovation is needed both to improve the quality of raw materials and polymer products and to internalize high-tech grades. For example, TPO engineering grade, which is the material required for car airbag covers, was localized and mass-produced with the support of Amir Kabir University and a knowledge-based company. He noted about Iran’s situation in terms of innovation: Iran ranks 67th in the world in the GII Innovation Rank, which due to the efficient manpower and knowledge that exists in different areas of our country, this rank can be much higher than important. The main reason is the lack of an effective connection between the university and industry. According to Moradpour, knowledge-based companies can be a bridge to connect the university and industry. Universities are expected to offer more creative and innovative ideas in the field of technology, so that these ideas can be exemplified in knowledge-based companies. In industry, too, manufacturing companies can turn a new technology into a commercial product, because if an idea does not reach the commercial stage, innovation does not happen and in fact its innovation cycle is not complete. “We need to turn every creative idea into a practical product with a commercial price and enter the market, and if we succeed in the field of commercialization of ideas and innovations, our innovation rank will also increase,” said Sapco. . Moradpour pointed out: We are currently living in an age where the speed of tectological changes is very high, so we must deal intelligently with new changes and different technologies. Innovation can occur based on these findings from monitoring technological change and improve product quality. Explaining the need to implement innovation in industry, he explained: “Large companies face more important and complex challenges, and that is the issue of radical changes in some products, for example, the field of automobiles is associated with the challenge of electric vehicles, and that electric vehicles in They are now being replaced and commercialized, so we need to change our view of our business mechanism a bit and look innovative, because today a uniform, high-circulation product no longer meets the needs of the world. Moradpour continued: “Today, the lifespan of automotive industry products in the world is short and their variety and changes are high and fast, so the production and design processes in production units must be very agile, in which knowledge-based companies can help industries.” کردن. Innovation for the polymer industry is important in two parts, the first part is related to changes in the quality of polymer raw materials and the second part is related to grades, especially engineering grades that are not yet produced in the country and are imported. Innovation is needed both to improve the quality of raw materials and polymer products and to internalize high-tech grades.