MCA assossiation

The eighth International Conference and Exhibition on Masterbatch and Polymer Compounds

This year, the Association of Masterbatch and Compound Producers concluded the eighth edition of the International Masterbatch and Compound Conference with the participation of over 650 individuals over the course of two days. After two days of intensive programs in three halls simultaneously, the eighth International Conference and Exhibition on Masterbatch and Polymer Compounds came […]

This year, the Association of Masterbatch and Compound Producers concluded the eighth edition of the International Masterbatch and Compound Conference with the participation of over 650 individuals over the course of two days.

After two days of intensive programs in three halls simultaneously, the eighth International Conference and Exhibition on Masterbatch and Polymer Compounds came to an end. The halls Azadegan, Caspian, and Arash at the Research Institute of Petroleum Industry hosted stakeholders in the value chain of the country’s petrochemical industry. This event ended with the reading of a closing statement by Mr. Engineer .Pourghazi and recognition of top articles by the scientific committee and financial supporters

the themes of this year’s conference include:

achieving sustainable development through circular economy innovation in materials, products, machinery, and technology current and future trends in the masterbatch and compound industry.

The sessions in this conference included:

– Petrochemical and Supply Chain Session
– Innovations in the Masterbatch and Compound Industry Session
– Masterbatch and Compound Industry Session, Platform for the Development of Petrochemical Supplementary Industries
– Challenges and Obstacles in Standardization and Export of Masterbatch and Compound Session
– Opportunities and Threats of Circular Economy in the Plastic Value Chain Session
– Business Development Session