The need to pay attention to real added value in terms of employment and currency in the government

According to INPIA, Engineer Saeed Zakai, Chairman of the Technical Commission of the National Association of Polymer Industries of Iran, during his visit to the industrial companies of Qazvin province, on behalf of the polymer companies and the knowledge base of this province, expressed the issues and concerns of this industry. The Vice President of […]

According to INPIA, Engineer Saeed Zakai, Chairman of the Technical Commission of the National Association of Polymer Industries of Iran, during his visit to the industrial companies of Qazvin province, on behalf of the polymer companies and the knowledge base of this province, expressed the issues and concerns of this industry. The Vice President of the National Association of Polymer Industries of Iran, stating that the valuation of petrochemicals has been exaggerated in the media, said: It can create more employment and destroy the average value of Iran’s goods and create wealth for the country. Referring to the complexity of the process of business development, supply of raw materials and obtaining licenses in the country, he added: “The Global Innovation Index, which is an index of global innovation, shows that Iran’s ranking fell 6 places last year from 61 to 67.” It was found that one of the determining factors in this index is creative output and knowledge that Iran has a good rank of 48, but in indicators such as business complexity ranks 112 and institutional ranks 120, which shows that business in Iran with problems It comes with a lot. Contradiction of compliance with all government regulations with successful production Pointing out that Iran ranks 65th in terms of industrial competitiveness and 78th in terms of production and export capacity, Zakai said: “A look at these rankings shows that in general, in the last two years, due to unintended conditions, the elimination of foreign exchange subsidies in favor Imports, which have been created with the help of sanctions and in favor of production, have provided a better environment for production and exports than in the past, but in the export sector we have weaknesses in competitiveness due to problems such as raw material supply and instructions and regulations. It is numerous and hour-creating that both disrupts export planning and creates administrative inconsistencies for in-house production, so that it is impossible for anyone to have a stable business by following all the instructions! He continued: “It is true that some of these problems are due to sanctions and currency fluctuations, but the Ministry of Silence should interact with other ministries to balance and improve the business index, while this ministry is more concerned with providing basic items.” And it is price control and the promotion of business indicators and assistance to noir and technology units has been neglected. According to Zakai, another issue is the interaction between the Ministry of Silence and institutions. If the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade, the Tax Administration and the Central Bank were coordinated with each other and had only one common system and one index, like developed countries, they could control all the activities of production units because the multiplicity of systems increases the chances of rent and Golden signatures and make the conditions for business development more difficult. Vice President of the National Association of Polymer Industries of Iran noted: Another point is the need for special focus on the polymer industry given the existing infrastructure of the country. At present, the average value of Iranian polymer products is about $ 1,600 per ton, while this figure is $ 5,000 in the world, and even this value has increased to $ 10,000 in Japan. Therefore, the government should pay special attention to the complementary industries, especially in the sectors that have higher innovation and technology. Zakai added: “The relative improvement of the conditions of the complementary industries has caused the exchange rate of these industries to be close to the exchange rate of the petrochemical industries. Destroy Iran and create wealth for the country. The head of the technical commission of the National Association of Polymer Industries of Iran emphasized: Economic indicators and profitability of companies and comparison of petrochemicals with the world and complementary industries show that the laws and conditions created are in favor of petrochemicals profitability No and mostly sell raw materials. The polymer industry activist said: “Another issue is the slow bureaucracy process in the provinces, especially in Tehran province.” The speed of response and solving the problems of the firms is very low, and this is the point that the leadership also emphasized in its meeting with the craftsmen. According to Zakai, the Ministry of Silence should try to move along with “reducing bureaucracy” and “law and regulation” in the direction of developing and improving the business index, and in countries that have an export advantage for Iran, preferential tariffs in favor of exports should be created. To grow our complementary industries