The outcome of the INC (plastic treaty) will be determined at the fifth summit.

Dr. Barmak Ghanbarpour, the representative of the National Association of Polymer Industries of Iran at the INC-4 summit, said: “We must wait until the fifth summit is held in South Korea, and only then can we determine whether the path that this summit is currently on has been positive or has somehow veered in a […]

Dr. Barmak Ghanbarpour, the representative of the National Association of Polymer Industries of Iran at the INC-4 summit, said: “We must wait until the fifth summit is held in South Korea, and only then can we determine whether the path that this summit is currently on has been positive or has somehow veered in a direction that is not in the best interests of our country. At present, we cannot make a judgment because we are currently listening to various opinions regarding the initial draft at the fourth summit, and we must see what will happen at the fifth summit and what the final outcome of this summit will be.”

Why is the INC-4 summit important? How does it affect global trade? To what extent will it affect the business of our country (domestic and foreign)?

Why is the INC-4 summit so important? What impact will it have on world trade? To what extent will it affect our country’s economy (at home and abroad)?

The INC meeting is an international negotiating meeting of the United Nations, organized at the request of the United Nations Environment Association. The first round of negotiations took place in Uruguay, the second round in Paris and the third round in Kenya. The fourth round is currently being held in Canada. The fifth and final session of this summit will take place in South Korea, where the draft law to combat plastic pollution is to be finalized. The outcome of the third session of this summit, held in Kenya, was the zero version of the draft anti-plastic pollution document that will form the basis for the INC-4 negotiations in Canada.

This summit is of particular importance for our country as it has a very big impact on the country’s production, consumption, export and import process. In fact, it affects all business indicators of the oil, gas, petrochemical and complementary petrochemical industries. Since our country’s economy depends on the oil, gas, petrochemical and supplementary petrochemical industry to a certain extent, it will naturally have a very great impact on our economy.

Is the plastic pollution bill on the right track and will it lead the way?

The fact is that at the moment it is not possible to give a correct answer to this question. But since the vast majority of countries are present at this summit and, of course, different opinions will be heard from all the people who have been sent, this is a good thing because, of course, from the conflict of opinions and hearing different opinions, one can come to a The result was correct. For this reason, it can be said that this summit is moving forward.

Of course, there are big differences between countries’ priorities and requirements, and it is somewhat difficult to arrive at a single statement that reflects the opinions of all participants and countries. But it is too early to judge and we cannot say whether the path of this summit is right or not.
Therefore, I think we have to wait until the fifth summit takes place in South Korea, and only then can we determine whether the path this summit is currently on has been positive or whether it has somehow taken a direction that is not in the best interests of our country’s national interests. At the moment, we cannot make a judgment because we are currently hearing different opinions about the first draft of the fourth summit, and we have to wait and see what happens at the fifth summit and what the final outcome of that summit will be.


Do you believe that Iran, together with the countries that have a common position, can change the process of the summit and steer it towards the national interests of our country?


So far, Iran has played an important role because it has participated very actively in this summit and has been able to express its opinion on the national interests of our country in the best possible way.


According to what has been said, the statement that Iran can change the course of the summit may not be the correct interpretation because we cannot yet judge and say in what order the course of the summit will be, but the most important thing is that we can fulfill the requirements. We should speak out and finally be able to shape the course of the summit in such a way that our country’s interests are reflected at this summit.


If this bill is adopted, is our country ready to implement it? Do we have the necessary infrastructure to implement it?

We should refer to this discussion as one of the issues that Iran and many other countries attach importance to, which is that if some form and some kind of document to combat plastic pollution is finalized, countries should comply with the requirements.

This means that countries have enough time to fulfill the binding and voluntary requirements of this document. It will certainly not be possible for all countries to fulfill all these requirements in a short time. Countries should be given the opportunity and conditions should be created to make it easier for countries to meet the requirements of this document.

These conditions can be in the field of education as well as in the discussion of infrastructure and resources. On the other hand, the financial issues related to this document should also be evaluated. These cases can create a general and common approach between countries and pave the way for the implementation of the binding document to combat plastic pollution.

It is clear that people cannot banish plastic from their lives, and this issue is far from off the table. A look at our environment shows that plastic plays an important role in human life, and the idea of living without plastic would mean removing many important things from human life, which is not feasible. However, the most important thing is that we can manage our plastic waste in some way. This is not just about plastics, but about waste management as a whole.

In today’s world, less than ten percent of plastics are recycled, while the potential for recycling plastic waste is very high. About fifty percent of plastics are buried in the ground, about twenty percent are incinerated and about twenty percent are released into nature. This means that more than ninety percent of the plastics produced and consumed have a potential for recycling.

Attention to the circular economy is very important, but conditions must be created that facilitate the collection of plastics and their transfer to recycling points, as well as the recycling of plastics. In this way, the environment