The supply chain of petrochemical complementary industries was whipped

The head of the training commission of the National Association of Polymer Industries of Iran described the stagflation in the polymer raw materials market as having two short-term and long-term prospects, and pointed to elements such as the approaching Nima dollar exchange rates, exchange offices and the free market. In an interview with INPIA, Dr. […]

The head of the training commission of the National Association of Polymer Industries of Iran described the stagflation in the polymer raw materials market as having two short-term and long-term prospects, and pointed to elements such as the approaching Nima dollar exchange rates, exchange offices and the free market. In an interview with INPIA, Dr. Barmak Ghanbarpour, regarding the current situation of the petrochemical raw materials market and the future forecast of this market, noted: The stagflation in the polymer market can be examined from two perspectives; Many raw materials were used in areas that were very high since the end of last year and the beginning of this year due to the corona crisis, for example, disinfectants and masks, etc., which are made of polymer parts at some point. They were very scarce, so many people sought to stockpile these substances, which caused a so-called whipping in the market. He added: “Meanwhile, many products went to sellers who were more inclined to stockpile than to sell, and caused a kind of imbalance. Thus, the peak of the chart went up in this market, but it had a step dump.” Ghanbarpour blamed the results of the US election and the serious fall in the value of the dollar as another factor, saying: “These conditions led the market to a recession. The convergence of the dollar, exchange and free market rates promised consumers that prices would rise at these three rates.” The dollar will fall even more. A member of the board of directors of the National Association of Polymer Industries pointed out: Considering that these expectations have not been met so far and all three rates fluctuate in the channel of 25 to 26 Tomans, I predict that in a few weeks they will be slowly consumed and consumed. Between expectations of a drop in currency prices, the market will balance in the short term. Regarding the market situation in the long run, Ghanbarpour said: “There is a history of events similar to the Corona crisis in the world, for example, when World War II ended and many public necessities were scarce at that time, there was an appetite in the market that led to There were high jumps in the production of various products. In the Corona pandemic, there have been many products and services that have an appetite in the market for consumption, but due to considerations, their consumption has been reduced or stopped. He continued: “With the promise of the end of this crisis following the discovery of the Corona vaccine, a very bright future awaits the plastics industry, because many areas such as food or entertainment and services that are strongly dependent on polymer products, then Corona creates a strange appetite for them in the market, and the petrochemical complementary industries must maintain their human resources and infrastructure and develop activities to respond to this appetite and strong demand, especially in areas where their consumption is due to corona. Was limited, prepare.