One of the conditions for companies to stay in today’s world

According to the public relations of the National Association of Plastic Industries of Iran ( Inpia ), a specialized meeting on the need to implement corporate governance in enterprises, this morning, September 8, 1995 It was held in the presence of Yahya Hasas Yeganeh, a faculty member of Allameh Tabatai University, Ruhollah Hosseini, Deputy Director […]

According to the public relations of the National Association of Plastic Industries of Iran ( Inpia ), a specialized meeting on the need to implement corporate governance in enterprises, this morning, September 8, 1995 It was held in the presence of Yahya Hasas Yeganeh, a faculty member of Allameh Tabatai University, Ruhollah Hosseini, Deputy Director of the Tehran Stock Exchange, and Timez Seyed Mostafaei, Advisor to the Commission, at the Iranian Chamber of Commerce.

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Emphasis on spreading the culture of corporate governance

According to the report, at the beginning of the meeting, Saeed Turkman, Chairman of the Export Commission of the National Association of Plastic Industries of Iran, stated that 19 commissions are active in the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, said: “One of these commissions is the company that is developing relevant standards.”

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He stated: At present, there are about 20,000 registered polymer companies in the country; But less than one finger of this number have the ability to enter the stock market.

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Turkman emphasized the spread of the culture of corporate governance.

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Stay in the existing space, exercise corporate governance

In the continuation of this meeting, Mostafaei raised some questions about corporate governance and its necessity.

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Yahya Hasas Yeganeh, the keynote speaker of the meeting, stated at the beginning of his speech, referring to his background: “The issues raised in the post-conflict situation by foreign delegations coming to Iran, regarding company transparency, assessment of responsibilities from This includes social responsibility and so on.

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He went on to describe corporate governance, its definitions and concepts.

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According to the only companies that want to stay in the current global situation, one of the requirements is corporate governance.

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Referring to the acceleration of technology, especially in 2001 in various industries, Yeganeh said: “The collapse of many large companies caused the world to move towards corporate governance.”

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He said: “Currently, rating agencies are active in the world and one of their products is the rating of companies, including the rating of corporate governance.

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This university professor goes on to express the criteria for measuring the status (index) of corporate governance from the point of view of the Standard & amp; poor s, payment and described them as: ownership structure and stakeholder relations (28) criteria, structure and operation of the board and CEO (35) criteria and accountability (35) criteria.

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Yeganeh also gave some definitions of corporate governance and said: Now it is a question of companies being a citizen. Given the definitions of corporate governance, it is an interdisciplinary and universal issue.

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He continued: Four goals can be extracted from the existing definitions; Accountability, transparency, fairness and respect for the rights of all stakeholders.

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In another part of his speech, Yeganeh said: “If the stock market prospers, a minority shareholder association can be established and they can each have a representative in the company;” Because the rights of small shareholders to large ones are usually not respected.

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