What kind of people are poisonous people?

Their self-will destroys the friendly atmosphere and creates a negative state among the people present. If you have an employee or co-worker who has symptoms of toxicity, read this article to find the best treatment. It is best to clear your workplace of toxic people as soon as possible. When you get a job promotion […]

Their self-will destroys the friendly atmosphere and creates a negative state among the people present. If you have an employee or co-worker who has symptoms of toxicity, read this article to find the best treatment. It is best to clear your workplace of toxic people as soon as possible. When you get a job promotion at work, your jealous co-workers are not happy about it. They will never congratulate you, let alone a dry, empty encouragement! When you email your stingy friend or colleague about passing an exam, never wait for your email to be answered, because they only consider themselves worthy of progress in life. Such people are the poisonous people in your workplace. “If you do not like something, change it. “If you can not make this change, change your mind about it.” – Marie Engelbright The fact is that negative people are able to turn their negativity into a very pervasive reality. They hurt even the positive ones and leave them with no choice but to cope. We recommend that you try not to fall victim to blame, judgment and criticism like these poisonous people. Be fully responsible for your own thoughts and feelings. Try to find a new approach to dealing with your colleague’s negativity and do not take sides against them. Those with high self-esteem inspire others. Arrogant people, on the other hand, have annoying and verbal behavior. The arrogant think they are better than everyone around them. Try to get rid of the poisonous people around you before they destroy you. These people are divided into different groups, which we will get acquainted with later. 1. Judges These poisonous people are those who are always criticizing the earth and time. They do not get tired of judging others. You may explain the details to these people in great detail, but they will hear what you have to say from one ear to the other. For the sake of yourself and them, make sure you do not take a personal approach to their problems. Do not take their negativity in any way; Because that’s exactly what these people are looking for. They follow you like a shadow and criticize the smallest issue. They try to blame you; Because their mental imagery is that you have hidden secrets from them. ۲. Excuses The other group is those who are constantly making excuses and blaming this and that. They are one of the most poisonous people who never take responsibility for their actions and always point the finger of blame at others. This eventually causes a chain reaction (domino effect) to mistakes made in the workplace and the formation of an unfavorable atmosphere. Stay away from these people and get rid of their troubles. 3. خبرچین‌ها Those who constantly talk behind other people’s backs, spread rumors, or even talk about other people’s private matters are another type of poisonous person. They are always curious and searching in the lives of their colleagues in order to spread information and information among everyone like a poisonous radio. Informants are unable to distinguish reality from fantasy because of their sense of insecurity. One day, the truth may be revealed and their false veils may be uncovered, which in turn hurts new feelings and animosities between colleagues. Having a fellow informant can be very destructive. 4. Liars The worst people who can poison your work environment are fake people and liars. It can be very difficult to convince these people, because it is never possible to know if they are telling a new lie or if they are really telling the truth. Uncertainty in recognizing their true or false behavior will quickly tire you out and in the long run reduce your work energy. 5. Controllers Controllers are one of the most terrifying types of poisonous people. They never care about what others say, because they have the illusion that they know everything for themselves and have a great solution to every problem. Having these nightmares in your personal life will also be annoying; What about the work environment that makes it a hundred times harder to deal with. What is our solution in dealing with toxic people? Managers should consider good behavior and positive energy in hiring their employees, in addition to proper education. In this way, one can be safe from many of these wizards who maliciously hinder the progress of others. Remember that the negative minds of these people quickly deplete the positive energy of those around them. Changing the way negative people think requires new skills. Making the slightest change in personality and cultivating professional and work ethic in them requires your hard work to be able to shape their personality to adapt to the company’s vision and tasks. As a result, you can have more useful members in your work environment. Usually, having these skills is not something we are taught. To acquire this skill requires complex personality development. As we strive to overcome our obsessive individualistic culture, we must become better thinkers, traders, and contributors, as well as good listeners. This is how we can overtake saboteurs.