Change in the law of the Chamber of Commerce; Correction or characterization?

Some of the existing laws of the country are more than 50 years old and there is no doubt that due to changing conditions and needs, they need to be updated, but the rush to amend and change, as happened in the general adoption of the Commercial Code, There is a legal setback and unprofessional […]

Some of the existing laws of the country are more than 50 years old and there is no doubt that due to changing conditions and needs, they need to be updated, but the rush to amend and change, as happened in the general adoption of the Commercial Code, There is a legal setback and unprofessional behavior, and now, once again, this is being done in a completely unprofessional and, in a youthful, philanthropic way, in amending the Chamber of Commerce law.

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Instead of improving the position of the Chamber of Commerce and the private sector, as in all developed and developing countries, its role has diminished due to the wrong mental menus of the applicants. It is feared that this is part of the scenario of the destruction of the private sector and the Chamber of Commerce, which was key in the case of the return of exporters’ currency by some government officials, radio stations and businessmen.

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In the section on justifications, projections, prejudices, and escapes are clear, and with a little research, one can get to the heart of the matter. Now the question is why this did not happen?

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And second, what is the budget of the chamber compared to the affiliated organs and institutions of government? Have billion-dollar embezzlements taken place in supervised banks and government institutions or in the Chamber of Commerce? Is the rent information in the directives of the government ministries or the chamber’s proposals to the three powers, which also acted as advisers and not executors?

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From what has happened in the country, it seems that the private sector and the Chamber of Commerce should have more control over the unprofessional performance of some friends in government responsibilities than vice versa. While respecting all the pioneers of industry, mining, trade and agriculture, and bowing their heads to their lofty position, the petitioners seem to have tried to take a look at the statistics of trade and developments in the world, which have seriously moved towards youthfulness in government officials. They are making age and experience a factor in success and health, and this has been repeatedly repeated in various sections of the proposals.

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Of course, these reforms also have positive points; Like banning business cards for government employees, which I don’t think is new.

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In paragraph 2, the room is described as a safe haven for the government, while if the proposing friends do a little review of the press and news agencies, they will find that most of the opposition has been to government laws and regulations.

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Article 4, Note 1 of the amendments to this law refers to 3 years of tax return for membership of legal entities, in other words, according to these professors, a company that needs to export or import in the process of production, must wait more than 3 years Go through the establishment of that company and during this time, keep an eye on it.

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Interestingly, for a real person, the background is not considered by friends and with a slightly measurable index called competence, it is subject to the approval of two members with 10 years of membership. He did not even consider education, education and capital.

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In Note 6, for membership in the Board of Representatives, the condition of at least ten years of membership in the Chamber is considered by friends. In other words, I think Jamali, with an enterprise with machines related to World War II, is superior to well-meaning young people who, with creativity, innovation and technology, have succeeded in starting a startup with thousands of employees. What can we call this way of thinking except the illusion of magnifying ourselves ??

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Another interesting point is applying for a valid business license! For applicants in the commercial sector.

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Do not friends know that the business license is in the field of guilds and shops, not trade and commerce?

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Apparently, the new thinking is limited to being knowledge-based and information technology, and in the case of voters, to prevent the presence of candidates affiliated with the candidates in the room, there is no way other than at least 6 years of membership in the minds of friends. With this in mind, we need to amend the country’s election law and the constitution.

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What does it mean for a young person who has just reached the legal age of 18 to comment on the future of the country and the election of the country’s rulers? He must have experienced at least 6 hot and cold years that some representative could not influence the votes of the first … change the election result in his favor.
There is a lot to talk about in this important …

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Duties and powers of the Chamber of Commerce remain in the role of advisor, the chamber is the only coordinator for the implementation of the current laws of the country and its cooperation with the executive bodies is only about the laws related to the chamber.

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The exhibition is organized with the permission of the Ministry of Silence and the establishment of commodity market identification centers abroad. It seems that the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Trade Development Organization have no special duty in these matters other than stoning and restrictions.

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Of course, they have been kind enough to make the formation of joint chambers subject to the permission of the Ministry of Silence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. While we are all aware of the speed and expertise of the government in these matters.

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Indeed, some were concerned about the presence of governments in the chamber. In this section, I think we should also ask the parliament and the judiciary for permission so that governments are not influential in this matter.

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As for the High Supervisory Council, it is enough that the secretariat is located in the Ministry of Silence and its composition is according to the opinion of the bidders, but its expenses must be paid by the chamber! It does not matter if the desire to serve friends is combined with a little financial motivation.

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The council reviews and approves bylaws and guidelines, and policy-making, policy-making, and performance reporting and decision-making on comments submitted are done by the chamber.

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