Meeting with the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia.

On the 17th of October, during the Textile Exhibition and Value Chain event at the permanent international exhibition venue, the board members of the National Association of Iran’s Polymer Industries convened and engaged with the Saudi Arabian Ambassador. This encounter took place while they were visiting the booth of the Iranian Shoe Industry Managers and […]

On the 17th of October, during the Textile Exhibition and Value Chain event at the permanent international exhibition venue, the board members of the National Association of Iran’s Polymer Industries convened and engaged with the Saudi Arabian Ambassador. This encounter took place while they were visiting the booth of the Iranian Shoe Industry Managers and Experts Society. During the meeting, several important topics were discussed:


Long-term purchases from Sabic: The possibility of securing long-term procurement arrangements from Sabic, a significant player in the petrochemical industry, was explored.


Exports to Saudi Arabia: The potential for enhancing export activities to Saudi Arabia was deliberated, which could contribute to the expansion of bilateral trade.


Dispatch of a trade delegation with one-year multi-entry visas: The concept of facilitating business interactions between the two countries through the dispatch of trade delegations with one-year multi-entry visas was examined.


The Saudi Ambassador expressed a keen willingness to collaborate on these initiatives. Furthermore, joint companies from Iran and Saudi Arabia expressed their eagerness to invest in various sectors related to polymer industries. As a result, it was mutually agreed to schedule a follow-up meeting to delve into these matters in greater detail.