The most important role of the Chamber of Commerce is to follow the demands of the members from the government

In your opinion, what are the most important issues that the private sector will face in the coming years? What is the role of the room in resolving these issues? Given the sanctions the country is grappling with and the decline in oil sales and, consequently, the decline in oil revenues, the government will increase […]

In your opinion, what are the most important issues that the private sector will face in the coming years? What is the role of the room in resolving these issues? Given the sanctions the country is grappling with and the decline in oil sales and, consequently, the decline in oil revenues, the government will increase tax pressures. At this time, hard-working producers, who face many problems on a daily basis, from the supply of raw materials to production and sales, are under tax pressure this time. Reducing liquidity and shrinking domestic markets, as well as problems with exports and money transfers, exchange rates, etc., are bringing producers closer to bankruptcy day by day. It is suggested that the Chamber of Commerce this year and in the coming years, focus on the two issues of reducing taxes and helping to boost and develop exports by solving banking problems. How do you see the chamber’s most important approach to government? In your opinion, does the room need to change its position in this regard or not? Given the obstacles described in the previous question, in my opinion, the problems that will plague our country’s industries and the private sector in the near future are related to foreign and international relations issues. For this reason, the Chamber of Commerce, as the largest private sector parliament, must pursue the demand from the government that the private sector needs a business environment without tension with other countries. In today’s world where trade and industry have taken on a global and transnational form, it is safe to say that no country’s industry will grow and develop without being in a global continuum and chain. Iran also needs to be part of the “global economy” if it wants to have a share of the global economy and take steps towards development. We see today that even countries with great political challenges (such as China and the United States) have great transnational economic cooperation and enjoy the relative benefits of each other. A good example of this is the American Apple factory. Iran, with 7% of the world’s resources, strategic geographical location and important highways, an important part of the world’s fossil energy, etc., has great comparative advantages. In 1953, an important American study center conducted a study according to which, considering the resources and geographical potentials of Iran, Iran was named as one of the most important developing countries, which was predicted to become a developed country in the not too distant future. Be the quality of modern Japan. But it remains to be seen why Turkey and the UAE snatched geographical and transit supremacy from Iran, and why other Gulf states are leading the way in terms of resources. Today, Iranian petrochemicals are not comparable to Saudi Arabia, and the UAE earns billions of dollars a year through transit alone. Do you think the chamber needs to reconsider its approach to the media and public opinion? The Chamber of Commerce needs more serious cooperation with the media, especially the domestic media and its affiliates. Although it has been improving in recent years, there is a serious vacuum in this area. In many important events, such as chamber elections, the media is not even allowed to enter the collection of member organizations. Today’s world is the age of the media, and the chamber can not meet the demands of the private sector without serious attention to it. It is also through the media that the Chamber of Commerce will be able to report its actions to members. Therefore, considering the role and importance of the room, it is expected to take a developmental approach in this regard. The most important issues and challenges that your organization members face in the business environment; what? What do you see as the root of these problems and what are your plans for resolving them? In addition to the major challenges that all industries are involved in, including taxes, insurance, liquidity and financing, banking problems, etc. Due to the dependence of the polymer industry on oil, changes and developments in the field of this industry, its sale and sanctions are completely Affects the business of the members of this organization in the petrochemical complementary industries. Sanctions that have put pressure on the country’s polymer industry, banning the import of some goods needed by the polymer industry, including organic and inorganic additives, non-transfer of modern technologies, problems caused by sanctions on petrochemicals in the production of certain grades, etc. The most important issues and challenges of this large industry and job creation is the country. On the other hand, the reduction of liquidity and the shrinking of domestic markets lead producers to foreign markets and exports. Meanwhile, the problems of export and money transfer, taking into account exchange rate fluctuations, make work more difficult every day, which I believe is the main root. These are problems at the macro level and in the country’s foreign policy. The National Association has taken extensive measures in the field of exports to solve the problems of its members and is following up. Including participating in foreign exhibitions and expanding export markets, realizing the customs values ​​of plastic industry goods in the customs of the Islamic Republic, holding annual conferences to inform the members of the association, including “exit of the plastic industry from the crisis, review and introduction of growth opportunities and “Innovation” and “Economic Outlook for the Plastic Industry” and providing training courses required by the industry What are your expectations as one of the managers of economic and employers’ organizations from the Chamber of Commerce in the field of development of organizational activities and what are the priorities in this field that the chamber can pay attention to?