The vision and structure of the Technical Commission of the National Association of Plastic Industries were defined

Exclusive This morning, the second meeting of the technical commission of the National Association of Plastic Industries was held in the office of the Tehran Homogeneous Plastics Association and the vision, structure and sub-committees of this commission were defined . According to the public relations of the National Association of Plastic Industries of Iran, […]

Exclusive This morning, the second meeting of the technical commission of the National Association of Plastic Industries was held in the office of the Tehran Homogeneous Plastics Association and the vision, structure and sub-committees of this commission were defined .

According to the public relations of the National Association of Plastic Industries of Iran, based on the approvals of today’s meeting, the most capable technical organization of the plastics and polymer industry in the region has been defined as the vision of the Technical Commission.

Preliminary definition of the structure of the technical commission and approval of the general plan was another resolution of this morning’s meeting of the technical commission of the National Association of Plastic Industries.

At the next meeting of the commission, the various parts of the plastics industry in the region will be introduced by the members, stating the reasons and documents.

It is worth mentioning that the Technical Commission of the National Association of Plastic Industries of Iran will hold its third meeting on Sunday, February 17, at the office of the Tehran Homogeneous Plastics Association.

Articles related to the technical commission of the association in the articles of association

5-8: Creating a database in the fields related to the goals and tasks of the association and information through creating an information network and publishing books, magazines and specialized brochures and exchanging relevant information (rows 1 and 2)

6-8: Carrying out scientific and research activities related to the mission of the “Association” inside and outside the country (rows 1 and 2)

7-8: Supporting the common interests of members and providing legal and advisory services to them (row 3)

10-8: Participate in the development and implementation of required standards and perform quality control and required rankings (row 1)

12: 8: Holding training courses required by members and holding specialized conferences and roundtables, as well as attending various domestic and foreign conferences and translating and writing professional articles (rows 1 and 2)

12-8: Holding or attending domestic and foreign exhibitions related to the mission of the “Association” (row 2)

13-8: Holding or attending domestic and foreign exhibitions and accepting arbitration in this regard (row 3)

16-8: Trying or attending domestic and foreign exhibitions related to the mission of the “Association” (row 2)

19-8: Information and legal follow-up to prevent the production of non-standard and counterfeit products and smuggling with the cooperation and assistance of responsible institutions and organizations (row 3)

8-20: Coordination and assistance in introducing members to join specialized, regional and international organizations in connection with the activists of the association (rows 1 and 2)

8-21: Protection of members’ intellectual rights through relevant legal authorities and institutions (row 3)

8-22: Providing consulting services for concluding contracts, memoranda and technical protocols between the members of the “Association” with domestic and foreign institutions (row 3)

1. Education and promotion
2. Technical and scientific protection
3. Standards and quality